Once you've completed your registration and checkout process, please note that we don't offer refunds. It's crucial to be certain about your decision before proceeding to checkout. However, we do provide options for deferring or transferring your paid entry if it's done more than 15 days before the event.

So, what does deferral mean? Essentially, it gives you the flexibility to register for another event in the future, as long as it's not sold out. Alternatively, you can choose to defer your entry to the 2024 season. Keep in mind that rate adjustments may apply if you decide to defer to events with different costs.

Now, let's talk about transfers. If you find yourself unable to participate, a transfer allows you to invite another rider to take your spot. It's important to note that Enduro Ratnange and Organizers won't provide refunds for transfers; this arrangement is solely between you and the rider taking over your entry. Simply send them an invitation to register in your place.


  1. Respect Your Fellow Racers:

    • Keep it classy on the track. Bad sportsmanship won't fly here. Our goal is to create a fun and challenging racing environment while prioritizing everyone's safety.
  2. Series Titles Calculation:

    • Your series title will be based on your best 4 out of 6 performances.
  3. No Cheating Allowed:

    • Let's be honest on the trails. Any form of course cutting or cheating is a big no-no. Penalties are up to the race director's discretion.
  4. Politeness Pays Off:

    • Be nice to the race crew, land managers, and resort staff. They're here to help make the race day awesome.
  5. Approval for Bike Changes:

    • Only swap out your wheels or bike with the green light from the chief of timing or race director. Time penalties may apply at their discretion.
  6. Category Changes Before the Race:

    • Thinking of switching things up? Category changes are only allowed before the race kicks off.
  7. No Littering, Period:

    • Keep the trails clean. Any trash, including tear-off goggle lenses, is grounds for disqualification. No exceptions!
  8. Stay Upright and Have Fun:

    • Keep the rubber side down, ride within your abilities, and most importantly, have a blast!
  9. Stay in Your Lane (Category):

    • Stick to your category. Starting stages within your assigned group ensures a fair playing field. Penalties for intentional drops outside your category are at the Race Director's discretion.
  10. Sweeps, Coaches, and Parents Riding Along:

    • Sweeps are cool, especially for 10-12 and 13-14 divisions, but drop together in the time gap at the end of the category. No carrying equipment for racers; they should be self-sufficient. Contact the race director for special circumstances.
  11. Passing Etiquette:

    • Unsafe passing is a non-starter. Communicate clearly with the rider ahead, pass safely, and no aggressive behavior. If you're being passed, pull over safely. Penalties for unsafe passing are case-specific, with a minimum 30-second penalty.
  12. Have a Blast! Make Friends! Laugh!

    • Remember, it's not just about the race; it's about the experience. Have fun, make new friends, and share some laughs along the way!


  1. Are there Start Intervals?

    • Yes, there are 30-second intervals between starts.
  2. Can I Get a Restart for a Mechanical or Flat?

    • Unfortunately, no. Flats, crashes, and mechanical issues are all part of the racing experience. Racers are expected to be self-sufficient and carry the necessary tools and parts for on-the-go repairs.
  3. Will There Be Practice?

    • Absolutely! Course maps will be released at least 3 days before the race weekend. Practice is encouraged, and venue-specific practice ticket discounts may be available.
  4. Will the Course Be Marked for Practice?

    • Yes, courses will be marked on Thursday or Friday before the race weekend, making it easy for riders to familiarize themselves with the track.
  5. Do I Need a License to Race?

    • No, a racing license is not required.
  6. Can I Just Register for One Race in the Series?

    • Absolutely! You can choose to participate in as many or as few races as you like.
  7. Is There Camping?

    • We strive to provide camping options or information on nearby camping sites. Keep in mind that Snowmass may charge a camping fee, covering expenses for trash, permits, and bathrooms.
  8. Is There a Start Order?

    • For larger events, start orders will be provided. In most cases, riders will drop based on their racer category and can organize themselves within that category.
  9. This Is My First Enduro, What Category Do I Register For?

    • It's easy! Register based on your age group.

Remember, the essence of enduro is not just the race but the entire experience. Enjoy the ride!